Apr 13, 2007

Trees speak

Trees speak.............
.......outside new institutes of learning..... IIT and CLRI, Chennai

We hear there is a new learning
being imparted in these institutes
that the earth is warming
and the environment needs care
and protection

We have watched
as traffic has increased
over our lifetime on this road
as fly overs have raised their heads

We have seen the city yield
to the pressure of engines
and push the cyclist
to a dangerous narrow corner

We have watched the speeding vehicles
when the roads are free
trying to get ahead
trying to move faster, faster

We have seen the traffic policeman
wearying under the sun
breathing the exhaust of vehicles
becoming obsolete, impotent

The lights have come
red green and orange
products of technology
developed in research institutions

Lights blinking unceasingly
blinking order into chaotic roads
We have seen them losing hold
often impatiently ignored...

The new learning is here
ordered by the highest court
"educate all about the environment
teach them to care"

"All school and colleges
You cant ignore this,
whatever else you teach
for life and livelihood"

But we have been around
80 years, 100 years
breathing in the CO2
and refreshing you breath

We have been here
before most of you were born
mute bystanders watching
the growing orgy of speed and hurry

We have been around
long before you recognized the
offering shade and shelter
to all, man bird and animal

Is it not strange
that you push us away
kill us, slaughter us

Is is not strange
that you make your perception
and your teaching

What will your students learn
in your proud institutions
that is clearer than your

13 Apr 07

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