the curse of ancient trees....
‘We accept our fate, we surrender,
in fact we have no options.
You, the mighty rulers of the land,
The commissars have rights that few others have.
‘We have been around for many years
as the dusty path became a road
and later an important avenue..
flanked by dark woods where animals abound still
‘Unfortunately, we have been outside learning
where young people are taught
to respect life
and the environment
‘Unfortunately, you will not be able
to stand your ground
in the face of your actions
but hang your heads in shame
‘You build roads, and they are strong
to carry goods and vehicles...
fast, faster, and faster still
all moving, all so busy
‘What chance do we have?
standing for long years,
rooted, and growing
all we offer is shade and leaves..
‘Only death makes us useful to you
our wood will make paper or benches
or burn in the fires that rage
to cook meals in poor homes
‘You speak about the environment
and assault the very thing you should protect
you want fresh air
that none can give except us....
‘we are going, but mark our words
you err, this is a folly!
no road can make it right to take our lives
no development this
You want water, and fresh air
and soil to be held together
But you steal these from your children
and their children
‘And may be on the edge of your grave
or funeral pyre
you may have to answer your grandchild
when he or she asks you
what happened, how did this ravagement occur?
‘Your may not be able to close, knowing
that you had robbed
the rights of the children after you
and their children
‘You may wish then to change things
but the time for change will be past...
It is now not later.
Then will be a time for regrets...
Is it strength
to fell defenceless trees
in the dark night,
with lame excuses to bolster your morale?
Sounds like impotence to our ears
a bit like stories of despots
trampling, whipping, maiming and killing
women and children and old ones...
But may be such acts will win you rewards
or decoration from your rulers,
the elected reprsentatives
wishing to make a mark..
May be such acts will win you a trip to the US
to stand before the failed President
drinking a toasts
to victories large and small.! victories!
May be you will be feted and applauded
by businessmen in suits (in hot Chennai)
who see the fast lane to more profit
in protected enclaves..
But then, you are fated..
like all life and living things
to die one day,
sooner or later
You too will pass
and you would have denuded roads
and leave behind buildings and roads
as legacy for your children and their children
Do think again ...
what will you tell your children, or their children
how much you cared
for the trees and the environment....
All things are forgotten mostly
people and their actions...
but curses linger
and haunt
You have won
and we have lost our stand
but think a bit
have you not lost your standing?
Men and women,
today you wield power
the axe that can hurt
and cleave
Men and women,
take your stand, as you must!
but then, dont cringe
from the curse of ancient trees...
9 Apr 2007
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