Feb 6, 2019

Heart in the right place.... .

I had a strange encounter with this phrase with a touch of candid truth and it left me deeply touched and privileged.

One of the students, a senior girl, had handled a stray dog when it was ill and there was need for the customary precautions, several injections. This young person was a known animal lover and would do anything to protect and take care of other creatures including mice. She had been extremely disciplined in this regard at school and so this was surprising.The world needs such people, those who value other life forms.

I called her with the intention of speaking to her sternly. As soon as she came to my table she said, "My heart is in the right place, but my action was wrong!" I could only smile and see the human dilemma... all thoughts of censuring disappeared. The beauty of her simple admission on both sides was refreshingly honest, direct and so creative.

How could one direct, judge, criticise or berate someone just because one is older! And how well she stood by her feeling for the young dog, and how dignified she was in an action she knew would put her at risk, and therefore was wrong!

I felt lucky to share this special moment of communication with a young student and wondered. Can  communication be such that we are able to speak about our dilemmas and with some depth and sweetness... not defensive, not blaming and yet admitting to our humanness with simplicty.

My education took a further  step today...

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