Mar 31, 2007

We are here together....

We are here
all together
we are responsible for the way things are
we may not think so
but we are.

all of us are not responsible for all the things
but all things, all things we like and dislike
we are part of
in tiny measure or not so tiny

mostly we can be only responsible for tiny measures
we one in 6 billion
even if we count ourselves as one in 100 million
the well to do
we are still a small part, only a small part

the temptation is high
to just give up and believe
since we are so small we dont count
since we dont count we need not make any effort

the temptation is high
to continue with the small follies
believing again, that they dont count
and since we dont count, we can continue

but we count, a wee bit
and the wee bits add up
wee bitsof caring add up
and wee bits of uncaring add up

no one can say
if the world is a better place
for the wee bits we have added
or a worse place

a choice we make each day
what is yours, what is mine?
to say it hardly matters, so let me do little?
to say it hardly matters, so let me do a little?

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